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Workshops, Appearances, & Presentations

Modern Witches Convergence
Authenticity Through Vulnerability
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St. Johns University
Authenticity Through Vulnerability
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O4U Engineering - Be the Change
Trista Marie: My Work with Vulnerability
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inpleasure by Che Che Luna

Featured as a disability sexuality advocate 


inpleasure is a virtual prerecorded dance workshop for deepening self-intimacy + sensual embodiment. This 5-part offering is an experiential unfolding that invites folx to (re)build a consensual, sovereign and pleasure-forward relationship with Self through sensual dance.  Accessibility: This workshop will provide closed captioning and alt text. It is open to folx of all races, abilities, genders and sexual orientations. 

The Brave Nude: Worthy of this Home

Authenticity through Vulnerability

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Cow Tipping Press
Discussion held about my work within disability and sexuality
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